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Test your knowledge on how UX designers think across platforms

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design (Week-2)

Test your knowledge on how UX designers think across platforms

Question 1

How is the term platform defined in UX design?

a. A platform is how a person, the user, feels about interacting with, or experiencing, a product.

b. A framework of a website or how it’s organized, categorized, and structured

c. A platform is the medium where users experience a product. (Correct answer)

d. A good, service, or feature

Why this answer?

Examples of mediums include: mobile phones, TV, tablets, and computer desktops.

Question 2

Consistency is important when designing a product across multiple platforms. What element should remain consistent regardless of which platform is used?

a. Cost

b. Prototypes

c. Brand identity (Correct answer)

d. Responsive web design

Why this answer?

The visual appearance and voice of a company should remain consistent across all platforms. 


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