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Test your knowledge: Learning about careers in project management

 Test your knowledge: Learning about careers in project management | Foundations of Project Management | week-1

Question 1

When you review a job listing, which section offers the most insight when deciding

if the role is well-suited for you?


The job description indicates that the job matches your skill set and experience. 

Question 2

Which of the following might be part of a job description for an entry-level project manager



The term “Junior” typically refers to a newer role that requires less project

management experience.

Question 3

Which of the following best exemplifies the progression of a project management career?


While you may encounter a different title progression in your career, this is a typical

progression. All project managers lead projects from start to finish and serve as

guides for their team. However, program managers are responsible for managing

many projects at the same time, and portfolio managers are responsible for

portfolios of projects or programs for one client.

Question 4

What three types of information can be helpful to include in your search for project

management roles? Select the three options that apply:


Using common project management buzzwords in your job search can help you find

both project management and project management-related roles, even if those

roles do not include “project manager” in the title.


Including skills you’ve previously acquired in your job search can help you find jobs

that match your experience. 


Using skills that are essential for all project managers in your job search can help

you find both project management and project management-related roles, even if

those roles do not include “project manager” in the title.

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