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Test your knowledge of the roles you can pursue in UX design


Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design (week-1)

Test your knowledge of the roles you can pursue in UX design

Question 1

Fill in the blank: Hunter works at a startup as a user experience designer. Since Hunter is one of the only designers, they get to oversee the majority of their UX processes. Throughout their work, Hunter discovers that they enjoy talking to users and testing designs more than actually designing things. For their next role, Hunter should consider becoming a _____.

a. Interaction designer

b. UX writer

c. Motion designer

d. UX researcher   (Correct answer)

Why this answer?

Hunter’s experience with the full UX design scope will make Hunter an even better researcher. In this role, Hunter can focus on the parts of UX that they love, like talking to users and testing designs.

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