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Weekly challenge 3: Design sprints

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design (Week-3)

Weekly challenge 3: Design sprints

Question 1

Identify questions you should ask during a design sprint retrospective. Select all that apply.

a. What went well? (Correct answer)

b. What can be improved? (Correct answer)

c. What are my duties?

d. What’s in the next sprint?


Question 2

What is a retrospective?

a. A team of creatives hired to build a marketing campaign.

b. A collaborative critique of the team’s design sprint. (Correct answer)

c. An early model of a product that demonstrates functionality.

d. A time-bound process, with five phases typically spread over five full 8-hour days.



Why this answer?

A retrospective is a collaborative critique of the team’s design sprint. After a design sprint is complete, the team comes together to make sure all participants have a chance to share comments and feedback by answering questions about what went well and what could be improved.


Question 3

Which is the first step in a design sprint?

a. Ideate

b. Understand (Correct answer)


c. Test

d. Delegate

Why this answer?

Understanding the problem is the first step of a design sprint. In this phase, you take in all of the necessary data needed to move toward ideation and the other design sprint steps.


Question 4

Which of the following are important phases of the design sprint process?

a. Understanding and ideating (Correct answer)

b. Planning and implementing

c. Development and retrospective

Why this answer?

It is through understanding the problem and then rapidly brainstorming ideas that we are able to come up with multiple solutions quickly. This makes it easier for us to decide what to move forward with and then prototype and test.


Question 5

What is one step in a design sprint planning process?

a. Call in the experts (Correct answer)

b. Review previous sprints

c. Build the final product

d. Review new technologies

Why this answer?

You need the input of experts in order to understand what you will implement. Subject matter expertise will help you navigate both the users' needs and the business needs in order to deliver a successful product.


Question 6

What is the role of an entry level UX designer in design sprint planning?

a. As a new UX designer, your role is to listen, learn and provide feedback. It is a UX designer's role to understand the problem, what the users need and how to fill those needs.  (Correct answer)

b. An entry level UX designer leans on their own experience to develop the design’s solution. They present their solutions to the team for consideration in moving forward in the process.

c. An entry-level UX designer runs the show in a design sprint. They plan, present, and make decisions about the project’s course of action.

Why this answer?

This choice best describes your role as a new UX designer in the sprint planning process. You will give input and feedback on your assigned tasks but you should also be listening to the experts and experienced team members for guidance on how to accomplish your objectives.


Question 7

Which phase is immediately before the Test phase in a design sprint?

a. Decide

b. Prototype (Correct answer)

c. Understand

d. Ideate

Why this answer?

The Prototype phase occurs before the Test phase in a design sprint. Designers create solid prototypes for users to test.


Question 8

Do design sprints help teams prioritize a profit-driven path to market for their designs?

a. Yes. Design sprints prioritize a design’s fiscal viability. They help teams identify a profit-driven path to market.

b. No. Design sprints prioritize the user. They help teams create a path to market, but they put the user before profit. (Correct answer)

c. Sometimes. Design sprints may help teams identify a profit-driven path to market. The team needs to choose between a user-first approach and a profit-first approach.

Why this answer?

Design sprints create a path to bring the product to market, however they prioritize the user rather than profit.


Question 9

In this step of planning a design sprint, you create icebreakers relevant to the sprint to motivate your team, put them in the right mindset, and help them get comfortable with each other.

a. Plan introductions (Correct answer)

b. Gather supplies

c. Establish sprint rules

d. Call in the experts

Why this answer?

Planning introductions is an important planning step because sprints involve cross-functional teams that need to work together.


Question 10

What should be included in a design sprint brief? Select all that apply.

a. Resources (Correct answer)

b. Team introductions

c. Project overview (Correct answer)

d. Design sprint challenge (Correct answer)



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